Welcome . . .
GirlInside, previously Sheepish, is a neverending project meant to showcase and keep my learning of HTML, CSS, and general graphic design growing. It is also serves as the ultimate place to get to know me without knowing me.

September 5th 2024 8:13 AM
Hi...! I've risen from the dead! I've returned and have been trying to get back into the hang of these while balancing college and a new job, but i'm so glad to have found the motivation to even type this!May 24th 2024 10:41 PM
Welcome to GirlInside V3! As some may know from my neocities profile updates, I wanted to start aiming girlinside for less of a egl theme to reflect how my life is at the moment (unable to spend money or engage in egl as much as i wish to.) I'm having a lot of fun making every page a different, i hope you're enjoying it as well!April 24th 2024 10:41 PM
I just love changing the fonts of girlinside. thinking of adding a gallery to hoard images and gifs i like.February 26th 2024 8:49 AM
Long time, no (mini) blog! I've been away to focus on personal matters and in the rush of that I fell into an animal crossing addiction. Eventually I'll build up my island to be lovely enough to show, stay tuned~
February 5th 2024 10:07 AM
Happy Monday. I'm going to add others' buttons to materials eventually! Just putting it down now so I remember. . .
February 2nd 2024 11:43 AM
I want to make an animated button... or at least a few more buttons in general.
February 1st 2024 10:04 AM Start of a new month! Hope this month is kind to me. I had to start it exhausted and a bit sad but i'm staying hopeful that things will only get better from here. Girlinside needs my attention most importantly. Which shrines or galleries do I start with? As I type that I've already decided in my mind already... the answer is gallery. January 31st 2024 Finished playing Tekken 8's story mode.. I really liked it. I grew up playing Mortal Kombat so that was always my favorite but with the big 3 fgs releasing new games in the past year, I think Tekken has now taken place as my favorite fg franchise. Still learning the lore though!