{ 凌曉雨 }

A shrine for the pretty protector of Tekken, Ling Xiaoyu.

NAMELing Xiaoyu (凌曉雨)
DOBDecember 9th, 1988
LIKESJin Kazama, takoyaki, amusement parks, Panda

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All About Her

Xiaoyu is a high-spirited young girl studying ancient Chinese martial arts. Her best friend is Panda, along with Miharu. Xiaoyu is an innocent and cheerful girl linked to Jin Kazama, her friend who has fallen into evil. Her most notable traits are her naivety and determination.

She enters her first tournament with the sole purpose of building her own amusement park, and this becomes a recurring theme in her endings.

Despite her ingenuousness, Xiaoyu also displays a great deal of strength and determination when it comes to doing anything to save Jin. Believing he is good and that he can still be saved, she does not suspect in any way the demonic part of her friend. She is caring and compassionate, and is aware of Jin's more self-destructive tendencies, with one of her endings featuring a dream of hers where she talks Jin out of jumping off a building before being hugged by him.

Why do I love Xiaoyu?

Xiaoyu has been my favorite Tekken character ever since I started playing. I have an affinity for cute fighting game characters and Xiaoyu is the cutest to me. Her pigtails and panda sidekick make her absolutely adorable to me. Her strength and femininity go hand in hand together and create the perfect combination of grace and power. Her protectiveness and love for Jin is also very admirable, I think she’s a great example of allowing a female character to have a love interest but still be their own character.

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